California State University Fullerton

The Cal State Fullerton basketball team competes in the NCAA Division 1 Big West conference. Arjan Dougan, Director of Sports Performance at Cal State, Fullerton, oversees the men’s basketball program as well as a further 17 NCAA-1 sports. In total, Dougan trains 386 student-athletes.

Fullerton athletes undergo 8 hours of supervised training in the off-season which, increases to 20 hours throughout the pre-season and regular season. Only some of Cal State Fullerton teams have access to load management wearables, while others had limited access to free tools or none at all.

Prior to using Lumin Sports, Dougan identified communication and the collection & flow of athletic data between stakeholders as a major barrier to performance and operational success. Having identified the issue, Dougan sort an AMS that would centralize and visualize all athletic data and allow all stakeholders, including athletes, coaches, trainers, performance staff, administrators and academics, the ability to view relevant information and communicate accordingly.

Platform Tier: Lumin Pro
Pain Points & Challenges
Communication between Athletes & Coaching Staff

- Communicating with large groups of athletes or whole departments

- Reviewing athletic testing data and sharing reports with coaches, athletes and performance staff

-Visualizing data was time consuming which led to inefficient or no communication regarding performance data

No Central Platform to Integrate 3rd Party data

- We wasted a lot of time having to log in to each of our 3rd party tools individually for every athlete. It delayed analysis, and decision making and took time away from coaching our athletes

- A lot of platforms lack a level of intuitiveness meaning it takes extra time to onboard coaches and athletes to this new tech

Unable to Collect Load & Wellness Data

- Tracking training load and collecting wellness data from such a large athlete cohort without wearables, which only a few of our teams have access to

-We tried free tools, but there were several problems including input time, logistics and data storage

Solutions & Impact
Dashboards and Data Visualisation

We have found the team and personal dashboards to be most valuable to Cal State, Fullerton. The interactivity and ease of use of the platform has made the adoption simple and straightforward.

Being able to view and sort athletes by a variety of different training load metrics and layer that with performance and wellness data has cut down the time it takes to identify particular trends within our athletes.


We currently use integrations from Playtek, Catapult, Vald, Hawkin Dynamics, Garmin, Whoop and Bridge Athletic to centralize all pertinent student-athlete data. Having the ability to integrate these platforms into Lumin with a few clicks makes our workflows so much more efficient.


Having access to tools and features such as the Noticeboard, Scheduler and now the Chats has made communication, group announcements and the sharing of team information fast and efficient. In the past we have had to complete this via separate applications and platforms.

The Data

Sporting Teams
Student Athletes
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