Privacy Policy

Last Updated Aug 15, 2024

We take your privacy and security seriously and provide this Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") to describe the ways Arc, Phila, our mobile applications for Apple or Android and our sites (collectively, the "Serviceā€), collects and uses your personal information. By accessing the Service in any way, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We process personal data as Controller, as defined in the Directive and the GDPR. You can contact us anytime to request access to your information, correct any information we might have or delete the information that we have. If you have any additional questions please contact us at

We reserve the right to alter, modify, or replace the Privacy Policy at any time. Your continued use of the Service following notification of any changes to the Privacy Policy shall constitute acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy was last updated December 28th 2019.

How we collect personal data

We may collect the following personal data from you at various points throughout the Service or through your communication with us:

  1. Information automatically collected. This may include your location and other vital exercise related markers collected via the Service or third party apps linked to the Service. This also includes information from your mobile device, including information about ways you use the Service.

  2. Information you submit to the Service. This includes your contact information. Your contact information is required to create an account, so that you may be able to share data with a coach or so that your data can be migrated to a new phone or other device. If you do not provide your contact information, we are unable to create a user account to log in to.

  3. Information you email to us. If you communicate with us via email or through a contact form, we will collect any information you transmit.

  4. Information from cookies and tracking software. We collect some information from cookies, which are small text files placed on your computer, or other log files and clear .gif files. These files allow us to analyze your usage of the Service so that we may optimize it. Many web browsers and mobile devices allow you limit or disable your use of cookies, but please be aware that disabling cookies may prevent you from enjoying some of the features of the Service.

Our legal basis for collecting this data is our legitimate interest, meaning providing you with features, functionalities and insights in the Service, improving the Service, generating new performance metrics, mailing and marketing actions and to meet contractual obligations.

How we use personal data

We may use your personal data for a variety of purposes aimed at providing and enhancing the Service.

  1. We use your personal data to create and manage your account to use the Service.

  2. We may share your personal data with coaches and other users that you have selected as authorized to receive your personal information. You may disable this function by removing access for these users, or by contacting us at

  3. We may use your personal data to analyze your fitness performance and to calculate metrics including, but not limited to wellness and training load, so that we can provide you with additional features and functionalities in the Service.

  4. We may use your personal data to send you emails and notices about the Service. You may disable these messages by emailing "unsubscribe" to

  5. We may use personal data collected for research & comparison purposed and/or scientific publications. Personal information used in this fashion will be anonymized. If you do not wish to share your data for these purposes, please contact us at

  6. We may share your personal data with law enforcement or governmental entities if we are required to do so by law.

By using the Service, you acknowledge and explicitly agree that, with your permission, we will share some personal data, with third party devices and services. For example, if you connect your account to a third-party device or service, you may be asked to share your personal data with that application. We will not share your personal data without your permission.

You furthermore understand and agree that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your Personal Data, may involve (i) transmissions over various networks; and (ii) modifications to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks, or devices.

Account Termination

We may delete your personal information upon termination of your account. Please note that, due to our archival practices, we may not delete all of your information upon termination. Please contact us at with specific questions regarding your personal information after termination.

Your Rights

  1. You may ask us to provide you with personal data we have about you.

  2. You may ask us to delete your entire account and data.

  3. You may ask us not to process your personal information for marketing purposes.

Your Security

  1. Your security is very important to us. We utilize a variety of physical, electronic, and managerial methods of protecting your personal information from loss or breach. Nevertheless, it is impossible for us to guarantee the safety and security of your personal information. You agree to hold us harmless for any damage, claim, or liability that may result from any loss or breach of personal information or other data.

  2. In case of detected security breach, you will be promptly informed.

  3. Please use caution when visiting any third party link. We cannot control third party links and are not responsible for any damages you may encounter when visiting such third party links. You should review the privacy policy of each third party link.

  4. Your login credentials, including your password, should be kept confidential at all times. Do not share these with any other person.

Third party websites or applications

You acknowledge and agree that certain content or services provided by Third Parties may be made available to you through the Products. You agree that such linked content or services may have their own privacy policies for which we cannot be held responsible.


To exercise your above mentioned rights or any other questions concerning this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at