Chris Spinks - Elite teams from all angles

The High Performance Project - Chris Spinks

He’s worked with high performing athletes and organisations across a number of sports, and has a unique understanding of what it takes to be successful in elite sport.

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Currently he’s a senior strength and conditioning coach at NSW Institute of Sport and runs a consultancy business in leadership and team development. He has previously been in charge of programs for four AFL clubs.

Chris talks about:

  • Finding the ultimate balance with athletic development

  • Key differences between teams in elite sport

  • Managing relationships

  • Coaching philosophies, culture and performance

  • Much more!

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The High Performance Project takes you into the world of sports science and elite sport, through the stories and experiences of the most influential people in the sports industry.

To make sure you don’t miss an interview, subscribe to The High Performance Project on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Google Podcasts or your favourite podcast player.

The High Performance Project is powered by Lumin Sports. Lumin Sports collaborates with teams to give every decision maker the tools to interpret complex data. Follow them on InstagramLinkedIn or visit them at

Hosted by Ben Tripodi and Jack Shephard.

Produced by Apiro Media.