Lumin Sports x Stanley Street Social

The Tour Unpack

The main man from Stanley Street Social joins us on the podcast to review and unpack the 2021 Tour de France. One of our most in depth episodes to date and it's fair to say that things may have gotten a little off track at times, however when we chat cycling, we go all in.

In this episode Alex shares with us his thoughts and opinions on the Tour de France 2021 and explains a little more into the changes that the race has gone through over the past few years and what this means for spectators, commercial relationships along with the riders and teams. Cycling 'nuffie' or not, we all are guilty of spending some time watching the tour each July as it rolls around, for those in the Oceania this often means late nights in front of the TV. This chat dives deep into the juicy stuff, our predictions and our ratings of riders and teams and how we anticipate the tour and sport to look into the future.

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You won't meet someone as passionate about the sport as Alex or "Alby" as his known by his peers, and it was great to chat with him during our favourite time of the year Tour de France time.

Viva La Tour!

We would love to hear what your thoughts were on this years tour and if you predicted any of the results, follow us on socials and stay up to date with all things The High Performance Project at

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