Chris Lynch - Supporting Athletes to Flourish

A journey fulled by the desire to continually develop

"Supporting people in their quest to flourish during and beyond their sporting careers", this is the mantra that Chris Lynch summaries his work with some of the worlds best athletes, in particular within his current role at the Australian Cycling Team.

For close to 10 years Chris has been working to not only develop and support those around him, more importantly himself. His has for many years worked closely with athletes to build their mindset, resilience and professional capabilities to compete at the highest level and furthermore develop them as individuals for their careers beyond their sport.

Join us in this episode as we gain a deeper understanding of Chris' day to day and what his role entails and some of the strategies you can use to be better equiped to perform at your best.

Listen today on your favourite podcast player or read more at or @luminsports on socials.