Alex Calder - It All Comes Down to Hard Work

Simple philosophies, determination and a willingness to always learn.

Alex Calder is the Head of Sports Science at the Houston Dynamo, having spent over 12 years in the United States working within both collegiate and professional sporting teams, Alex has built a wealth of knowledge in a range of different sports and high performance environments. We spoke in depth with Alex about the influx of Australian presence in sports science and high performance roles in the United States, and why Australians have built such a strong reputation in the industry.

Alex is a true hustler and we respect the passion and  that he delivers to his craft. He spoke with us on why he prides himself on the simple philosophy, 'work hard to achieve results' and the ability to network and throw yourself into new situations will give you the best results in a professional sports science career.

We thank Alex for generous time on this episode and look forward to supporting the dynamo in their championship pursuits for the 22' season.

Learn more about Alex and the Dynamo:

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